首页> 外文OA文献 >Ação de extratos aquoso e etanólico de espécies vegetais na germinação de sementes de Brachiaria decumbens Stapf

Ação de extratos aquoso e etanólico de espécies vegetais na germinação de sementes de Brachiaria decumbens Stapf




The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of aquous and ethanolic extracts of medicinal species on seed germination of B. decumbens. The experimental design was completely randomized with 19 treatments (9 aquous extracts, 9 ethanolic extracts and a check was deionized water) with 4 replicates. The species and organs used to obtain the extracts were Baccharis trimera (shoot), Baccharis articulata (shoot), Canna denudata (leaves), Cymbopogom citratus (leaves), Eucalyptus citriodora (leaves), Lippia alba (leaves and branches), Momordica charantia (leaves, branches, flowers, fruits and seeds), Ocimum gratissimum (leaves, branches and flowers) e Ruta graveolens (leaves and branches). The extracts were obtained by aquous and ethanolic infusions in 10% and 1% concentration respectively. The seeds were treated with extracts for one hour and after this time sowed in plastic boxes. They were maintained in germination chamber (BOD) with 16 hours of dark/20ºC and 8 hours of light/35ºC. The evaluation were made at 7Th and 21st days after seeding (DAS). The extraction methods affected seed germination. The use of aquous extract showed greater germination percentage than the ethanolic one at 7Th and 21st days. The evaluated extracts did not affect the seeds’ germination.
机译:这项研究的目的是评估药用种类的水提取物和乙醇提取物对枯草芽孢杆菌种子萌发的影响。实验设计完全随机进行19次处理(9种含水提取物,9种乙醇提取物和一种去离子水检查),重复4次。用于获得提取物的物种和器官是三叶Baccharis trimera(芽),B​​accharis articulata(芽),Canna denudata(叶子),Cymbopogom citratus(叶子),Eucalyptus citriodora(叶子),Lippia alba(叶子和分支),Morordica charantia (叶子,树枝,花朵,水果和种子),Ocimum gratissimum(叶子,树枝和花朵)和Rutagravolens(叶子和树枝)。通过分别以10%和1%浓度的水和乙醇输注获得提取物。用提取物处理种子一小时,然后将其播种在塑料盒中。将它们在黑暗环境/20ºC下16小时和光照/35ºC下8小时的条件下放在发芽室(BOD)中。在播种后第7天和第21天(DAS)进行评估。提取方法影响种子发芽。在第7天和第21天,使用水提取物的发芽率要高于乙醇提取物。经评估的提取物不会影响种子的发芽。



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